Emergency Dentistry

If you’ve experienced a dental emergency or injury, call our office right away. We provide emergency dentistry in Greenbelt to serve you and your family when you need us the most.


Dental emergencies and injuries can happen when you least expect them. That’s why we provide emergency dentistry to patients of all ages. When you need urgent dental care, be sure to call Greenbelt Dental Associates. We offer flexible scheduling and emergency same-day appointments to get you or your child smiling again.

What is emergency dentistry?

Emergency dentistry can address a variety of dental problems and injuries. Our team can treat most emergencies and injuries in-office. Common dental emergencies include pain and swelling due to an abscessed tooth, cracked or broken teeth and unexplained pain or bleeding. Common dental injuries include loosened teeth, knocked out teeth and sports-related mouth injuries.

Our friendly and professional team will do everything we can to alleviate your pain. In the case of a knocked out tooth, we can instruct you on the best way to prepare and store your tooth for reattachment.

Saving your teeth is our top priority, but in cases of severe damage or infection, our dentist may recommend an extraction.

Not all emergency cases involve pain. If you’re experiencing loose or missing fillings, loose or broken crowns, loose or broken bridges, or issues with other dental repairs, call our office right away. Don’t risk future pain or damage by waiting until a small inconvenience becomes a larger problem.

Can I treat my dental emergency at home?

If you’re experiencing pain, swelling or bleeding, call our office right away. At-home remedies such as over-the-counter pain relievers and warm compresses should only be used to alleviate your symptoms until your appointment. Only a trained dental professional can give you the care you need to treat your symptoms and provide relief.

Can I afford emergency dentistry?

No one can plan for a dental emergency or injury. Be sure to ask about our financing options to help you get the care you need.

For emergency dentistry in Greenbelt, call our office right away at (301) 241-8100. Our team is here to help you and your family receive the urgent dental care you deserve.

Dentist Proudly Serving Greenbelt


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